huhu..kinda of scary thing..,went I know dad da results oF pSpm will coming soon..
dad how we judges our performance in our learning.,by Exam.! okay..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Posted by Basha at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Well.,now I was in holiday...
Im also feel a little bit boring so far..haha..
So back to da topic...
in dis time.,I wun to tell you about my taste in food on Terengganu style..
Well.,nowadays it seems most people including me like to enjoyed nasi dagang during their breakfast... Beside nasi dagang., theres also some otak2x..n lemang..went I talk bout otak2x.,im remembered dad.,my ex-classmate in KMM really2x likes he was anak jati Penang...n_n..
also.,went we talk about beverages.,in terengganu.,dads lots of coconut tree we can climb or lets da monkeys do da jobs..,to collect da coconut fruits...n after dads.,of course lah.,we drinks it..hoho...
in terengganu.,we call "kelapa" as "nyior"...
so lovely n enjoying went we drink it at da beach..!n_n..
Posted by Basha at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hello you guys..,
weLcOme to My Blogs...
My name as given from my parent is Basharuddin bin Bahrum. but you can simply call me as baSha..
so.,iM from Terengganu.,yeehh ganu KiTer..!!
im now jus finish mY study in MMC.,or Malacca Matriculation College,
weLL im kinda exited for making dis blog because dis is my first blog ever dad i Write..!!huhu..
iM also jus thinking about the apppropiate language dad i will consider to use in mY Bahasa or English...
so.,im feel free to use both languages..,or in oRder mEaning dad is in "Rojak stYle"..hoho..
im aLso want to thanks to Afif n Shafiq dad is my fwen from Malacca Matricullation College for giving an inspiration to me.,for making dis blog..huu..~~~
Posted by Basha at 7:30 AM 0 comments